Mid Summer Nantucket Real Estate update (Data from LINK Nantucket July 15th 2009)
My blog is designed to be a resource for buyers and sellers of property on Nantucket covering topics about Market Trends, Island Life, Selling Tip, Buying Tips and more. Please feel free to join in the conversation by commenting below blog posts or feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for reading.
Brian Sullivan
The Town of Nantucket Town meeting is scheduled for April. Here is a link for the warrant articles that can be downloaded in PDF form. http://www.nantucket-ma.gov/Pages/NantucketMA_TownMeeting/index
This is where I will post information on the latest deals that are happening, from new listings, accepted offers, Foreclosure sales and more.
Thanksgiving and Stroll Holiday's are coming rapidly. The Christmas trees are arriving downtown to line the streets. Soon the kids will arrive to decorate. Don't forget the Nantucket Tree Lighting ceremony happens Friday night after Thanksgiving.