My blog is designed to be a resource for buyers and sellers of property on Nantucket covering topics about Market Trends, Island Life, Selling Tip, Buying Tips and more. Please feel free to join in the conversation by commenting below blog posts or feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for reading.
Brian Sullivan
Topics: Nantucket, Nantucket Real Estate, Nantucket Vacation Rentals, Nantucket Restaurants, Nantucket Film Festival, Nantucket Beaches, Summer 2013
Posted by Brian Sullivan
3/10/13 12:21 PM
Topics: Nantucket Restaurants, Retail Space on Nantucket, Nantucket Photos, Spring on Nantucket
Posted by Brian Sullivan
5/8/12 3:05 PM
Topics: Nantucket Vacation Rentals, Nantucket Harbor, Nantucket Fishing, Nantucket Restaurants
There are many amazing restaurants on Nantucket, too many to capture them all. I have been living on Nantucket since 1996 and enjoying some of the best dining options of anywhere I have traveled around the world right here in my back yard. Many of our local restaurants have acheived the highest Zagats ratings, as well as Wine Spectator grand awards! I can't say that I have a favorite restaurant on island. I do have favorite dishes, like the baked stuffed lobster at Lenguedoc Bistro, or the daily special souffle at Ships Inn. I also have favorite experiences like a romantic meal at Company of the Cauldron while listing to the harpist strum a tune or a sunset drink and meal on the beach at The Galley. Below I have complied a list of my favorite Nantucket Restaurants in no particular order, there are fine dining, family restaurants, breakfast options and even take out choices. I do recommend advanced reservation at any of the fine dining listed.
Topics: Nantucket, Nantucket Restaurants, Summer 2011