My blog is designed to be a resource for buyers and sellers of property on Nantucket covering topics about Market Trends, Island Life, Selling Tip, Buying Tips and more. Please feel free to join in the conversation by commenting below blog posts or feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for reading.
Brian Sullivan
Topics: Property for sale on Nantucket, Nantucket Real Estate, Nantucket Market Update, Spring on Nantucket
The Nantucket Film Festival is back on Island June 17th to the 20th, 2010. Here is some basic information from the event and a link to more information.
Topics: Nantucket Film Festival
Topics: Nantucket Wine Festival
Photos from the Nantucket Daffodil Festival 2010. Antique cars gather on Main Street Nantucket every April, then parade to Sconset for a wonderful picnic and a festive Sprind day. A wonderful Nantucket tradition where fun is had by all!
Topics: Nantucket Daffodil Festival 2010